This is Snarf. Or, alternately, this is a snarf. Snarf is a
character from the popular early-eighties animated series The
Thundercats. This show had lots of fun characters, but Snarf was
the coolest of them all. He is basically a small furry creature who
worries alot and says "snarf, snarf" in a rather nasally, but
still cute, voice.
Here is a full-body shot of Snarf and the leader of the Thundercats,
Lion-o. The arrow indicates which one is Snarf, in case you could not
tell. Snarf is a fine character, and since the Simon's Ford Escort is
also small and furry and cute and goes "snarf, snarf" in a rather
nasally, but still cute, voice, it is known as the Snarf Car.
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